Quick Hemp Milk

Quick Hemp Milk

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We don’t do cow’s milk in my house.  Which is sort of sacrilegious, considering that my grandparents and great-grandparents were dairy farmers, and my mom literally grew up on a dairy farm.  But it just doesn’t sit well with my tummy, so I started experimenting with alternate milks years ago.  Soy grossed me out, and the early store-bought almond milks weren’t much better.  Then I took a raw food class and discovered homemade nut milks – they were amazing!  But with all the soaking and straining, also a bit of work.  Which was fine when it was just me, making fancy vanilla-brazil nut milk for my coffee and granola once a week.  But along came one, then two, little nuggets who guzzle gallons of milk daily. Their massive consumption would have me soaking/straining a batch every day – impossible in the morning rush.  Plus, I already put in my time as a real milk factory for both boys.  Time to streamline…

Enter the miraculous hemp seed. Not only is it incredibly nutritionally dense, packed with protein (more digestible protein than cow or human milk!), fiber, magnesium and heart-healthy omega-3s, but it blends into a creamy, smooth milk that requires NO STRAINING!  Simply throw the raw seeds into a blender with water, vanilla stevia and a few pitted dates, and voilà, instant vanilla milk.  I can do this daily, no sweat.  Kiddos, drink to your hearts’ content!

Trust me, this is way better and far less expensive than any of the packaged nut or seed milks on the markets.  Rich, sweet and satisfying, without added sugar or weird preservatives.  Seriously a game changer if you are dairy free.  Even if you aren’t.  Trust.


Quick Vanilla Hemp Milk

The quickest, easiest non-dairy milk you can make.  Just throw all of the ingredients in the blender and go!  No soaking or straining required. Ingredient note: Hemp seeds can have ...

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3 Responses to Quick Vanilla Hemp Milk

  1. Catherine Okereke July 13, 2015 at 11:45 am #

    This recipe is literally my favorite in the world right now, hands-down. I make it every week, multiple times (only takes 5 min!) It is creamy and tastes fantastic with my coffee, which is hard for non-dairy milk. Sometimes I sub Brazil or macadamia nuts for part of the hemp, but generally it’s just totally perfect as is.

    Well done Melissa!!



  2. Sign Up September 6, 2015 at 2:58 pm #

    Hi, I check your blog on a regular basis. Your writing style
    is awesome, keep it up!


  1. California Coffee - My Power PoseMy Power Pose - August 6, 2015

    […] 1/2 c Melissa’s hemp milk (recipe here) […]

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